Indian Lake Borough   g       

Water and Sewer Committee

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Charter and Membership

Sewerage and sewage disposal has been the single largest deterrent to growth at Indian Lake. Growth will necessitate increasing Borough involvement in keeping aging on-lot systems safe and in facilitating new approaches and community-based systems.

Our aging public water system, put in years ago due to the high density of on-lot septic systems and fears of ground-water contamination of individual wells, is becoming an increased maintenance burden and is in need of upgrades.  Tank painting, line breaks, and failing/antiquated controls are ongoing examples.

The purpose of this committee is to provide focus and oversight of these needs.



Paul Balint, Chair

Dave McCudden

Gavin Guarino

Robert Hanson

Bill Lewis

Mike McCluskey, InnoH20

Dean Snyder


Other Items

As of January 2023, Indian Lake Borough contracted all water and sewer services out to G Force Engineering/InnoH2O Solutions.

They will be handling all water shut off/turn ons.  Please give them advance notice of at least three (3) days to get yours scheduled.

Please contact G Force Engineering/InnoH2O Solutions for all water and sewer inquiries.  814-445-4491